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We've donated saplings to the Long Hanborough Community Tree Project

Volunteers from the Long Hanborough Community Tree Project joined local youngsters in a special tree-planting scheme recently.

A total of 30 saplings, including sweet chestnut and walnut trees donated by the Blenheim Estate, were planted beside Coffin Path near Pinsley Woods.

In addition to the trees, we were also proud to donate the use of the land, tree supports, stakes and mulch to this important project.

Among the other trees planted were mulberries, lime, apple, cherry, plum, hazelnut and pear trees.

Each of the trees is being cared for by pupils from the local schools and pre-schools or individuals from community groups and organisations including the Scouts, Guides and Nought to Naughties Sing With Me.

“By the time they are six years old we are aiming for every child involved with the project to have planted at least three trees of their own,” said Zuzana Meryova, Project Leader.

“As they grow the trees will form a shaded area for students on the way to forest school and also provide us with a harvest of fruit and nuts,” she added.

As the trees grow they will form a living, learning resource for youngsters taking part in forest school, provide a focal point for the local communities to come together as well as being a boost to biodiversity and the environment.

“We think this is an amazing project and it is great to see how the youngsters have taken ownership of their trees,” said our Head Forester Nick Baimbridge.

“By getting involved with planting and caring for the trees we hope it will encourage them all to have a deeper interest in the natural environment and a lifelong enthusiasm to help and support it,” he added.

The tree project has also benefited from generous donations from the local community as well as support from local nursery Nicholsons, who provided additional trees.

Donating trees, community areas and knowledge form part of our historic new Land Strategy. The long-term goal is to become the UK’s first to demonstrate carbon-positive land management.

Working with local community groups to develop spaces for natural health management are one of the supporting pillars of the strategy. Read more here.

Find out more about the brilliant work of the Long Hanborough Community Tree Project, and how you can get involved on their Facebook page.